can two companies trademark the same name

Trademark is about protecting brands and ensuring that there is no scope for confusion by the consumer that your goods and services are theirs (and vice-versa). What I want to know is, can i register my company (as an official trademark) using the same name given that it is in a different industry . Can two companies have the same trademark name with mine having two capital letters and the other one capital letter, both companies supply a completely different service. Can Two Companies Have the Same Name? Trademark registration/ infringement disputes revolve around the possibility that differing services or brands can be confused for each other. Registering a company name is not the same as having a registered trade mark. Trademark Registration Overview There are several classes in which trademarks can be registered. However, in instances where a name is trademarked it would not be entirely unheard of for a company to receive a notice to cease and desist from infringing on a trademark and, in effect, requiring the company to change its name. Can Two Companies Have the Same Name? Let's talk about trademarks first: A trademark is used to protect a "business's commercial identity" or "brand.". Incorporating a new company will prevent other businesses from registering the same, or a very similar, company name to yours. However, in applying for a trademark you will describe EXACTLY what the mark is for. Sec.22 states that no two companies can run with the same name and if it does they need to get the approval of the central government . However, the development of something called "anti-dilution" law means that the owner of a "famous" trademark (it means pretty much what it sounds like) can prevent you from using it even in an unrelated industry. The other company was the first to use the mark and to obtain a registered trademark for it. Essentially, if your name is likely to cause consumer confusion because it's the same or like another business name, then you cannot use that name. In the US, it is possible for two firms names to be very similar without any trademark issues. Their use may not immediately differentiate two brands within the same industry since the trademark is less disntinctive. Business . You may have concerns that similar business names are confusing customers, or believe that you have a legal right to the exclusive use of a name. A Texas for-profit corporation must include one of the following words or abbreviations: company, incorporated, limited, Co., Corp., Inc., or Ltd. You can't use a name that a competing business is already using. The reasoning behind this is that having two businesses operating with the same name or other identifying features can cause consumer confusion. These requirements include: Are the businesses in the same industry or geographic location? Businesses that are in the same industry and serve the same geographic market should not have the same name, therefore the business that used the name first will probably get to keep the trademark. Trademark Woes: When two bands have the same name!!!!! This may arise notably in the area of public health if two different medical products bore the same trademark - even if the companies operated in distinct geographical areas. A business owner can prevent others from using her . Because you filed them in the same application, the USPTO sees just one trademark. Registering a company name does not automatically protect it by trade mark law. The agreements between the two companies are still, presumably, legally binding. If yes, are there any conditions? More broadly, this case signals that the USPTO is going to carefully inspect these types of agreements. For example, the name "Nike" and Nike's "swoosh" logo both represent Nike's . Owning your brand name is critical for your business, but what many people don't realize is that owning a trademark on your brand name is not the same as owning a unique name. A trade mark is a badge of origin, it gives exclusive rights to the use of that name and the ability to prevent others from adopting an identical or confusingly similar mark in the same field. Register your name. A brand can be represented in various ways, including a business name, a catchphrase or a stylized image. Because business names are registered on a state-by-state basis, the fact that a company in another state has the same name as yours is usually not a cause for concern. In accordance with the above subject the answer is yes of course. If the other company began using the mark and also registered it before you company began using it, it can force you to stop using your business's name. In such cases, both the applicants are legally eligible to use this mark. Your trademark application for a product name will cover the same factors, but at a much more specific level . To a startup clothing line, having multiple trademark registrations can attract more investors, and create greater confidence and valuation to your company. While this form of trademark is not the strongest, many well-known companies have achieved acquired distinctiveness in the minds of consumers. They have the trademark the moment they commercially use the name. A trade name is the legal name of the company under which it conducts its business. The phrase " Just do it ". For example Apple Computers, and Apple Records, is fine. 5. A court may invalidate an agreement if it considers that the coexistence of similar trademarks in a particular case would be against the public interest. The classic example of two entirely different companies that use the same trademark are Delta Airlines and Delta Faucets. One company is a Dutch IT firm and the other is an international nightclub with locations in St. Barth's, New York City and the Hamptons. Since trademarks are first come, first serve in nature, you may need to apply for a new EIN if you were not the initial company to use the name. So i would try to find out if the name has indeed been trademarked. Incorporating a new company will prevent other businesses from registering the same, or a very similar, company name to yours. Two easily recognized . The most obvious provision is that the trading name may not be the same as, or similar to, another company or business name in a way that might be confusing. Generally speaking, a trademark protects a word, phrase, symbol or design that identifies an individual's or entity's brand. For help with your trademark concerns, please consult with your lawyer.] DBAs have very little rights to their name (in most states), so if things really take off, you could file two federal trademarks as well: "ABC Apparel" and "Become ABC". Can two companies have the same trademark name? If you are talking about the Joint ownership of trademarks then yes, it is possible. A trade mark is a sign which can distinguish your goods and services from those of your competitors. By law, the name of your business can't be the same as or very similar to an existing corporate name or trademark. Trademark only restricts competitors in the sameindustry from using your registered brand nameor company name. The USPTO has approved your application, so congratulations. Duplicate marks are not uncommon. 2. Let's discuss the trademark examination rules that provide some . Trademarks can be . A trademark is a sign, mark, or indicator used by an individual, business, or organization to identify a product or service as its own and to distinguish the product or service from those of its competitors. Only one mark per application. The more trademark registrations a company has, the greater the strength of its intellectual property portfolio. What you are getting is a monopoly over is the mental link . My company will be in a completely distinct and different industry. To find out more visit the Companies House web site. While conducting availability searches for trademarks, many proposed marks get rejected because of similar existing company names. It simply means that Bay State can't obtain a USPTO trademark registration for TIME TRAVELER BLONDE. Can there be two companies with the same name? Two trademarks have the same name exist together Two trademarks have the same name exist together Two trademarks have the same name exist together. So can you have the same trademark as somebody else as long as you are providing completely different products and services from that other trademark? The search is only conducted from the trademark standpoint, so if an individual using the same name for their business hasn't lodged or obtained a registered trademark, it's unlikely they will hinder your ability to register the mark in . In other words, you may not register multiple trademarks in a single application. Trademark covers a combination of words, letters and graphic elements (designs and symbols that make up a logo, for example). One of the factors courts look at to determine likelihood of customer confusion is whether the two businesses are in the same industry. A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol or design (or a combination of any of these) that identifies the source of a product or service and distinguishes it from competitors'. In the same way, a trade mark, which is a word, might not be accepted for registration at Companies House. However, most cases are less cut and dry. I need to register the company but we want to know if we can run both trading businesses under 1 company name. You can do that via the United States Patent and Trademark Office, or Incfile can help you protect your business with our Trademark Search and Registration service. Trademark laws help shield businesses from unfair competition by protecting logos, symbols, names, and slogans that uniquely distinguish one business from another. Find out if the name is taken. So, for example, if Nike had filed the trademark "Nike", and then the swoosh underneath it - so you have "Nike . The company can deny prescriptions for many reasons, including the fact that the patient had a similar script filled (e.g., the same generic drug name). You are much better off reading into Trademark law than asking a bunch of strangers on the internet honestly. You can very well Trademark the same . In short, you should always register a trademark for the name of your business. In trademark infringement cases, courts look at whether consumers would be confused by two businesses that operate in the same industry. Companies can have trademarks, only one company can have the same website address obviously, so even when you have the company name legitimately, there may be restrictions. Disputes sometimes arise between business owners over the use of similar business names. Hiring an attorney to handle a two-class, use-based trademark application that encounters no serious complications in the review process generally will cost a band between $1,500 and $2,500 . If, for instance, you have any thoughts or plans to grow your business into a global brand (and not just local), you'll want to be aware of anyone else using the same or similar name. These trademarks are more difficult to register with the USPTO. Yes, two companies can co-exist, in separate fields with the same name. Because business names are registered on astate-by-state basis . And the answer to that is yes because when you register a trademark, you don't get a monopoly over a word, phrase, or logo itself. Trademarks only restricts the same competitors in the same industry from using your registered brand name, or company name. The Business Names Act 1985 imposes certain legal requirements on companies adopting a business practice to use a trading as name which is not officially registered. Although the safest course of action is to avoid using the same name as . You should also bear in mind that your New York corporation name cannot be substantially similar to an existing trademark or service mark. 3. Note: the 2 DBAs and the 2 federal trademarks would be owned by "ABC Apparel LLC". You now own the trademark-to your combined name and logo. Intellectual Property Law Attorney in Los Angeles, CA Reveal number Posted on Apr 27, 2020 Yes. Then, if budget allows, we can come back and file a second application for the logo itself. That allows for proper ownership (everything is owned by the LLC), the LLC has . ASIC may not always be able to help you in resolving these disputes and you may need to consider different options. Can You Trademark a Name of a Business if the Name Exists in Another State?. The long pending question in the field of Intellectual Property Rights, with respect to the Tademarks, was finally answered by the Supreme Court, when it ruled, in the case of Nandhini Deluxe v.Karnataka Co-Operative Milk Producers Federation Ltd. 1, that no law is violated or breached, if the two companies, with two different products, use the similar Trademark for their products. . The court held that to make out a case of infringement by use of 'trade name' under the Trade Marks Act, there has to be exact use of the registered trademark or part of it as the trade name . Registering a trademark is only for ease of legal procedure. How can two companies trademark a name in the same class? Nmaes of both the companies should be there in the application form. Another issue you've identified is qualification for a mark. In most cases, if someone is already using a name, you cannot legally use it. For example, trademarks are registered in respect of particular goods and or services that fall into various classes.Due to this, it is possible for there to be two identical trademarks with the same name that are registered by different owners and cover different goods or services. In practice, what this means is that two businesses may very well have the same name. Which business used the name first? Thus, if it is really unlikely that the other business's customers are going to be confused because you have the same name, then there really isn't a trademark issue. This likelihood is assessed using five important factors: "The name of your cleaning service can be a trademark, but so can the name of your cleaning spray" . To buy a or, you must be a commercial entity and have an Australian Company Number (ACN) or Australian Business Number (ABN). However, he didn't trademark the two words. Simply stated, if there is another organization using the same name that you wish to use, you must select another name. A domain name gives online businesses a unique electronic address. Updated on October 28, 2019 Generally, all businesses operating in Canada must comply with federal, provincial, and municipal laws regarding business names. A service mark is a word, name, design, slogan, or any combination thereof used by a person to identify and distinguish his or her services from the services of others. Choosing and trademarking a name for your business involves dealing with the fact that another business might be using the same name, even if it is in another state. Put differently, if the same name is registered in different trademark classes, this does not give rise to an infringement claim. registering a trademark for your company name. For example, the Dutch holder of the trademark King (who makes peppermints) was able to successfully stop someone else from selling condoms under the same trademark. Clothing has unique trademark issues compared to other goods and services. Sec22 and sec 21 basically deals with change of name and anamoly i company's name. Trademarks can be . Obvious trademark infringement, such as copying the same name of another company, is punishable by law. Registering a company name does not automatically protect it by trade mark law. Companies Act 2006 - Similar Names. Even when it is legal to use an existing business name, it can be a disastrous marketing mistake. Registering your trademark can help you safeguard your brand and business name. While there is extensive law on when two trade marks are too similar to co-exist, the equivalent consideration under the Business Names Registration Act 2011 has been more of a mystery. A trademark can be associated with or it can be part of your trade name and can be used to provide legal protection for the use of names, logos, symbols, or company slogans. 3. Hi guys, a few days ago my brother and I joined hands in opening up a new company. Multiple registration by the same or different companies, each registration in different class of business are allowed. This search is for trademarks only and does not include business names, domain names or any other names. TRADEMARK PROTECTION. This is a non-issue in most cases, as a corporation can be distinguished by the state in which it is incorporated. You can arrange to buy a domain name yourself or through an internet service provider (ISP). We have seen situations in which a state will not register an out-of-state company with an identical name as an in-state company to do business in the state, but It might be possible to have two separate organizations use the same name on the records of one state if the first user gives consent to the second user. A business name generally can be protected as a trademark under federal and state trademark law. Share Improve this answer answered Mar 6 '18 at 7:34 gnasher729 23.6k 2 31 67 Add a comment Your Answer Post Your Answer A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol or design (or a combination of any of these) that identifies the source of a product or service and distinguishes it from competitors'. Apple computers, Apple technology, not so fine. Since its inception words such as UK, GB, a list of common domain name extensions such as "", ".com", ".net" and so on are now classes in . The Companies Act Changes introduced on 1 October 2009 have significantly extended the scope and range of words which Companies House deed to be similar. This can occur for example if the trademark is used in a movie, as the name of a company for in comparative advertising. Moreover, the owner of trademark can approach the central government regarding trade mark violation. Having a trademark for shoes doesn't by itself prevent anyone else from registering the same mark for food products. As is often the case in legal matters, the answer here is "maybe." For instance, the name "MY GIRL" is a registered trademark owned by Enertec Enterprises for a line of dolls and accessories. "Trademark, same name, same class" is an expression that means more than one business entity registering the same trademark name in the same product and service class with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The Class, as you noticed can be very broad. The brief answer is, sometimes. If they dont have a trademark you can use the same name. In general, within the same jurisdiction, you cannot have two company names that are the same. A: In examining a Trademark, the USPTO determines whether the use of the mark to identify your goods would confuse the public that they are made by the same company which has the same mark. You're under the assumption that the company should (have been) only be entitled to state recognition and that the federal trademark should not be not valid. Just because a company has trademark rights, those rights do not absolutely prohibit anyone else from using the same name, logo, or tagline. A registration of trade name in the UAE requires the establishment of a company. Trademark Law and Naming Your Business. A company applying for incorporation is also required to ensure that no identical trademark and/or domain name is already registered in the same name. When willful infringement is proved, the other company may have its trademark registration canceled. Moylan, who says he isn't a . It should not be taken as legal advice. The question is, can they coexist without dispute? It should come as no surprise that one trademark application can cover only one mark. In some circumstances, you can have identical trademarks co-existing on the Australian trademarks database. Don't think you can separate these two elements. [This article was written by Katelyn Kindberg. A logo, phrase, name, slogan, scent, technology, track, lyrics, etc. This is the thing, my brother owns his own business and so do I. we will be partnering up on my business and he also wants to move his business under the company name. Uses other than for goods or services. In fact, shared brand names are more common than you might think. For example, Nike owns the following trademarks: The symbol/logo " Swoosh ". Trademark issues can be complex. So, if you are not registering your company in the UK you should be fine. Yes, however, certain requirements must be met in order for it to not constitutes trademark infringement and to determine which party is the rightful owner of the name. If the other game has its name trademarked then you cant use it, no. A trademark is a word, name, design, slogan, or any combination thereof used by a person to identify and distinguish goods from those manufactured or sold by others. If you file a trademark as a name and a logo combined, then you must always use that exact combination on your products or services. However, if the two products are not related to one another and not likely to cause any confusion, then trademark law will not prevent the two companies from using the same name. Duplicate trademarks under the laws of some countries around the world However, the trademark does not keep other companies from inadvertently or purposely confusing customers with a similar mark. What may be more tricky to discern is whether a logo contains multiple marks. A trade mark is a sign which can distinguish your goods and services from those of your competitors. You don't own the federal trademark rights to the name by itself, or the logo by itself. can all be trademarked assets. Here's an actual band-name scenario that a reader of this blog asked us about: Trade names and trademarks can have the same function, and some businesses use their trade name as their trademark. Domain name. Over the years, other craft breweries put the same name on their own beers — often dark and malty Scotch-style ales. Can two different companies hold the same trademark name if they provide different services or products? When a pharmacy offers generic drugs for only $4, it means (behind the scenes) that the pharmacy does not send the information to the insurance company if the patient is paying only $4 in cash. Multiple registrations, by the same ordifferent companies—each registration in adifferent class of business—are allowed. However, you are right in . Trademarks both identify your company as the source of specific goods and provide some legal protection for your branding elements against . However, there could be intellectual property issues (namely, trademark) in future when two companies have the same name. A business owner can prevent others from using her . Just because a company has trademark rights, those rights do not absolutely prohibit anyone else from using the same name, logo, or tagline.

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can two companies trademark the same name